Coaching Office Hours Prep

Hey there! Thank you for signing up for coaching office hours. I’m thrilled to offer you this coaching session.

Whether you’ve worked with a coach before or it’s your first time, here are some important things to know and prepare in advance to get the most out of your session:

  1. Bring an issue or opportunity that you want to explore together. If you only do one thing, this is it. Given that we have one short 45-minute period together (as opposed to a typical 60-minute session in the context of a months long transformational engagement), identifying what you want to explore in advance makes all the difference. Bring something that’s important to you. Imagine we’re making lemonade: the juicier the lemon, the better the lemonade we can make.

  2. Everything we discuss will be 100% confidential. It’s all between you and me. Take advantage of this: the value you get from the session will be directly proportional to how real and honest you are.

  3. It helps to be somewhere private. Knowing you can speak honestly and freely is crucial to getting maximum value for your time. Having space where you feel comfortable feeling and expressing emotions (particularly anger, fear, or sadness) is also a plus.

I provide these office hours as a service to the community and as a way to meet folks who might be interested in becoming clients. If that’s something you might be interested in, let me know, as the session then also becomes an opportunity to explore our chemistry as coach and partner. We can also schedule an additional 90-minute discovery session after office hours to explore what working together might look like.

Looking forward to our time together! It’s always a pleasure getting to meet and support new folks from the community 🙂